Knockin’ on Heaven’s Door


“Are you sure this is the right doorway?”

“They said to look for a creepy stone face with a winged helmet.”

“But it’s not even a doorway. This is just a blank wall.”

“This is the Gateway! Have I taught you nothing?”

“I expected it to be bigger.”

Alastor closed his eyes and took a deep breath. “Serax, I brought you on this mission for a reason.”

“Yes, Master,” the little demon hung his head. “Do you get the feeling that face is watching—”


Michael, the archangel, blinked his flaming eyes once and retreated back into the stone.

37 thoughts on “Knockin’ on Heaven’s Door

  1. i liked the use of angels and demons as characters. and glad to know that heaven’s gate is well-guarded. (ok, maybe i shouldn’t be too glad about that, lol) great story

  2. DON’T BLINK!!!!! (See, if you watched Doctor Who you’d get the Weeping Angels reference, but you don’t, so….)

    Did I mention you would LOVE Doctor Who, darling? Incidentally, if I’m commenting here, doesn’t that mean that….. why yes it does.

    These two reminded me of your magical archaeologists from a while back — not that I’m saying these two weren’t great, but the voices read as eerily similar.

    • I know, I KNOW. I’ll get around to the good Doctor eventually. I hear Boston winters drive everyone into hibernation, huddling hopelessly around the hub that is Netflix.

      I was thinking of them when I wrote it, so that could certainly be why. I liked those guys…maybe they’ll make a come back.

  3. I chuckled at the demons thought that the doorway should be bigger. I like the human projection of thought onto supernatural creatures. This was a fun story, especially the zapping. 🙂

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